Roof Cleaning Santa Maria

Santa Maria Area's Premier Roof Cleaning Service

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Affordable Roof Cleaning Services

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Power Wash Cleaning

Santa Maria

Power Wash Cleaning Santa Maria

Roof Cleaning

Santa Maria

Roof Cleaning Santa Maria

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(805) 550-9490
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Roof Cleaning Santa Maria

Roof cleaning is a service that most homeowners don't think of until the roof starts to look dirty. But cleaning your roof is essential to the health and longevity of your home's exterior, especially when you live in an area like Santa Maria where there are high levels of pollen, dust, and other airborne particles.

The best way to clean your roof is by using a pressure washer. Unfortunately, many people don't know how to use one safely or effectively, which can lead to damage to their homes or even injury. At Platinum Power Wash, we provide safe and effective roof cleaning services at an affordable price.

A dirty roof can lower the life expectancy of your home by up to 50%! That's because dirt on the surface of your roof acts as a conductor for heat which causes the shingles underneath it to degrade faster than they would otherwise. This leads to increased maintenance costs down the road and will eventually cause leaks around the perimeter of your home if left unchecked for too long. The best way to prevent this from happening is by getting your roof cleaned regularly by an experienced professional like us at Platinum Power Wash in Santa Maria!

We at Platinum Power Wash are passionate about our business and the services we provide. We've spent years perfecting our roof cleaning process, and we're happy to offer it to you and your home.

Our roof cleaning service is thorough, reliable, and guaranteed to leave your roof looking like new. Our trained professionals will take care of everything for you with no mess left behind.

If you live in Santa Maria and are looking for a professional roof cleaning solution, then look no further than Platinum Power Wash! Our commercial and residential services are available throughout the entire area.

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Roof Soft Wash in Santa Maria

Not every junk item is meant to be thrown away, and we understand that.

Our team sorts your junk into three categories – Recycle, Donate, Dispose Of – and removes it accordingly.

How We Can Help

Platinum Power Wash can help you with your Roof Cleaning in Santa Maria. As a family-owned and operated business, we are proud to be able to serve the community with our professional services. Because we believe that customer service is just as important as providing quality work at an affordable price, we offer free estimates along with our 100% satisfaction guarantee.

Platinum Power Wash is the roof cleaning contractor of choice in Santa Maria and surrounding areas. We have a lot of experience in the roof cleaning industry, and our highly trained professionals will work with you to provide a thorough and affordable roof cleaning service that meets all of your needs.

We offer a variety of services to ensure that your roof is properly cleaned and maintained for many years to come. Platinum Power Wash can help you with your Roof Cleaning in Santa Maria. Our staff is trained to use the highest quality products, equipment, and chemicals. We are licensed and insured so you can have peace of mind that we will provide the best service possible.

Why Us?

If you are looking for the best roof cleaning in Santa Maria, then you have come to the right place. Platinum Power Wash is your best choice with your Roof Cleaning in Santa Maria.

We are proud to be the premiere choice for residential and commercial property owners in Santa Maria and surrounding areas. Our highly trained technicians will make sure that your property gets cleaned thoroughly and efficiently.

Platinum Power Wash is a professional roof cleaning and repair company servicing homes and businesses in Santa Maria. We pride ourselves on our honesty, integrity, quality of work and customer service. 

We specialize in Roof Cleaning, Roof Repair, Roof Coating and Solar Panel Cleaning. Our crew is certified and trained to provide the best possible service for your roof cleaning needs. We use state-of-the-art equipment to ensure you get the best results possible on every job we do. Our goal is to help you save money on your roof cleaning, so what are you waiting for? Call us now!

Our Service Area

Affordable Roof Cleaning in Santa Maria, CA

Services We Can Help You With

Roof Cleaning Service Santa Maria

At Platinum Power Wash, we know that your roof is the first thing people see when they come to your home. We want you to be proud of what you see. That’s why we offer soft washing for your roof, so you can keep it clean and looking like new.

Soft washing involves spraying water from a pressurized hose on your roof. This helps break up dirt and grime so they can be washed off with a brush or power washer. Soft washing is used to remove mildew and stains, as well as dirt and debris that builds up over time. If you have ever had any problems with mold or mildew on your roof, this is something you should consider doing every year or two—depending on how often it rains in your area!

If you are interested in having us clean your roof, just give us a call!

Roof Cleaning Santa Maria
House Wash Santa Maria

House Wash Service Santa Maria

Your home is your sanctuary. It's where you go to escape the world, so it should be a place of peace and relaxation. But sometimes, things get dirty even when you don't want them to—and the last thing you want to do is clean!

So what can you do? You could hire someone to come in and work their magic while you're at work… or out enjoying yourself with friends and family. But that seems like such a waste of time! And besides, who wants strangers around while they're at home?

That's why Platinum Power Wash was created: to give homeowners like yourself the power to take care of any kind of cleaning task without having to worry about getting dirty yourself. We'll come into your home and get rid of any dirt or grime that might be lurking around—and we'll do it quickly and easily, so that your house stays clean for longer than just one visit from us!

Solar Panel Cleaning Service Santa Maria

Platinum Power Wash is your one-stop shop for all of your solar panel cleaning needs. Our team has the experience and expertise to clean your solar panels with minimal disruption, maximizing energy savings and extending the life of your system.

We at Platinum Power Wash understand that you have many choices when it comes to solar panel cleaning, but we believe that our level of expertise, attention to detail, and dedication to customer satisfaction set us apart from the rest. We take pride in our work and want you to be satisfied with it as well. That's why we offer a 100% customer satisfaction guarantee!

Solar Panel Cleaning Santa Maria
Window Cleaning Santa Maria

Window Cleaning Service Santa Maria

Window cleaning is the best way to see your house in all its glory. And it's also a great way to add some serious value to your home. 

Platinum Power Wash is proud to offer window cleaning services for your home or office. We understand that clean windows are important, whether you're trying to make your business stand out or just want to make your house look nice.

That's why we offer high-quality window cleaning services at affordable prices. Our window cleaners arrive on time, with all the tools necessary to get your windows sparkling. You can rest assured that your windows will be cleaned professionally and efficiently.

Window Screen Cleaning Service Santa Maria

Window screens are like the hair of your home—they catch all the dirt and debris that comes in from outside. They get dirty, they get grimy, and it can feel like a never-ending battle to keep them clean.

But with Platinum Power Wash, you don’t have to do it yourself! Our trained professionals will come to your home or office and clean your window screens for you, so that you can focus on other things. We take care of everything for you so that you can relax and enjoy life without having to worry about cleaning your windows every week! Call us today to learn more.

Window Screen Cleaning Santa Maria
Gutter Cleaning Santa Maria

Gutter Cleaning Service Santa Maria

At Platinum Power Wash, we care about your home. And we know that a clean, functional gutter is essential to protecting the value of your home. That's why we offer gutter cleaning services from start to finish. We'll do everything from removing the old leaves and debris to ensuring that your gutters are free of debris for years to come.

Platinum Power Wash is the best way to clean your gutters. Our team of trained professionals will come to your home and give your gutters a thorough cleaning, making sure that they're in top shape for years to come.

Concrete Cleaning Service Santa Maria

Platinum Power Wash offers you the best Cleaning Concrete services in your area. We are dedicated to providing our customers with a high standard of work and great results. Our reputation has been built on years of hard work, dedication, and experience.

One of the toughest cleaning challenges you face is on your concrete. From walkways to driveways and pool decks, concrete can take a beating from the natural elements. Platinum Power Wash uses advanced techniques to remove dirt, stains, and stubborn road salt or calcium deposits that build up over time. Our process also gets rid of grease, oil, and other build-ups that can create an unsightly haze on your sidewalk, porch, or garage floor.

Contact us today to learn more!

Concrete Cleaning Santa Maria
Pressure Washing Santa Maria

Pressure Washing Service Santa Maria

Pressure Washing or Power Washing is the process of using water at high pressure to clean dirt and grime off of a surface. This process can be performed by hand or with a machine to remove build-up from driveways, patios, decks, siding, and other areas of your home.

Platinum Power Wash offers you pressure washing of your property. If you want to make your home look like new, if you want to clean up your driveway and patio, or if you just want to see your house shine again our pressure washing services are what you need.  You don’t have to worry about damaging your property because we provide a 100% guarantee that our services won’t cause any damage. We guarantee that you will be satisfied with our work because we know that when you do business with us we keep coming back!

Sealing Pavers Service Santa Maria

Sealing pavers is one of our most requested services. Often when you seal your pavers, it can be difficult to tell if you got them all clean. Sealing pavers can help protect your outdoor space by allowing you to maintain the integrity of your home. As a result, you will be able to avoid costly repairs and cleanups.

Our Sealing Pavers service provides you with a long-lasting and maintenance-free, clean appearance on your driveway, pathway, or patio. In most cases, this will keep it looking new for 10 years or more. Sealing pavers will minimize the staining and fading of your concrete paving by protecting it from the elements.

Sealing pavers is a great way to keep your driveway and patio looking clean and new. We use products that are designed specifically for this job, and will seal all areas of the patio and driveway that you choose. Call us today to learn more!

Sealing Pavers Santa Maria

Frequently Asked Questions

Roof Soft Wash FAQs

Got a question? We’re here to help.

  • How long does a roof soft wash last?

    A roof soft wash will typically last 1-3 years. This can vary based on the conditions of your home and how much rain you get in your area.

  • Does Washing your roof extend its lifespan?

    In short, it will double the lifespan. Without regular cleaning and maintenance your roof will not last as long. 

  • How much pressure is a soft wash?

    Soft washing uses a pump sprayer to effectively clean exterior surfaces using a combination of water spray and chemicals. The typical pressure of the sprayer is between 150–300 PSI


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Roof Cleaning Santa Maria

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